Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Real Estate Agent To Sell Your Home

Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Real Estate Agent To Sell Your Home

19 April 2019
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you're planning on selling your home, the best thing you can do is hire a real estate agent to assist you. However, choosing the right real estate agent is incredibly important if you want to sell your home for a good price and in a timely manner. Since most real estate agents require a seller to sign a contract for a specific period of time, it is essential to carefully choose your agent. Hiring the wrong agent can turn the home selling process into a nightmare that no one wants to deal with. When it comes to hiring a real estate agent to sell your house, avoid the following mistakes:

Working with a Family Member or Friend

Most people either have a family member who is a real estate agent or know a friend who works as a real estate agent. While one may think that hiring a friend or family member to be your real estate agent when selling a home is a good idea, doing so is often a big mistake. Selling a house is a business transaction, and mixing business with a personal relationship can often lead to a number of problems. If you appreciate the personal relationship that you have with a friend or family member who is a real estate agent, the best thing you can do is not hire him or her to sell your home.

Hiring a Part-Time Real Estate Agent

Selling a house requires a lot of work, and a seller should be able to count on his or her agent to be available for showings or to communicate with potential buyers as needed. There are many people who consider being a real estate agent a part-time job, and they may have listings from time to time while also working a full-time job. This is not the agent that you want to hire to sell your home. A part-time real estate agent will not have as much time to dedicate to selling your home as a full-time agent, and it may be difficult for you to get in touch with your agent if he or she only works part-time.

Failing to Interview Multiple Real Estate Agents

Even if you meet with one real estate agent and really like him or her, do not make a hiring decision on the spot. It is always in your best interest to interview multiple real estate agents and ask as many questions as possible during the interview. Taking the time to interview multiple agents increases the likelihood of you finding the right professional to hire.